May 18, 2020

Owning a car is a responsibility. You depend on your car to get you from Point A to Point B, and your car depends on you to make sure it is receiving adequate maintenance inspections. Just like taking your pet to the veterinarian for a checkup, routine maintenance is vital for keeping your vehicle running dependably. Below are few easy ways to ensure your vehicle stays running and dependable, courtesy of INFINITI of Peoria.

Regular Oil Changes

Motor oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle. It cools, lubricates, and cleans your engine, which is vital for long-term performance. Typically, the engine oil should be changed every six months or roughly every 5,000 to 7,500 miles. This figure is not set in stone. Factors like whether your car uses standard or synthetic oil and its overall mileage will dictate how often your oil needs to be changed. For the most accurate oil change timeline, refer to your owner’s manual.

Multi-Point Inspections

Multi-point inspections are a service that we routinely provide at INFINITI of Peoria. They are designed to find, analyze, and repair common car troubles soon after they begin. It is much easier to find and fix a problem early, rather than letting it get out of hand down the road.

Don’t Ignore Your Car

You are the expert when it comes to your car. It is up to you to notice potential new issues and respond to them appropriately. Is there a new clunk in the engine? Is the steering wheel jiggling when you shift into high gear? Is your engine having a new problem turning over? These are all ways that your car is trying to tell you something is going on. Don’t ignore your car. Instead of cranking up your radio so you can no longer hear that new squeak, give INFINITI of Peoria a call, and let us help you diagnose the issue.

You Are Your Car’s Best Advocate

Having a dependable car starts with you. If anyone is going to notice a new problem, you are. Routine maintenance is not difficult, but it is all too easy to ignore. Finding and fixing small issues before they have a chance to become big problems is the simplest way to keep your car running dependably. We at INFINITI of Peoria are committed to serving you, so reach out to us if you have any questions.